student feature Jun 11, 2024


Meghan | Socials Boss Student 2023

Meghan started her business with one client and decided she wanted to grow it into a full time role. We started working together and she defined her processes and package with her current client, which allowed her to increase her pricing to double. 

We also defined a niche industry and she is able to grow her client base with her dream clients. 

I sat down with Meghan to better understand her experience in Socials Boss.



 What are your thoughts on the course so far?

Learning the foundational business set up has been really eye opening because it’s not something many other social media coaches talk about. I can see now how having all of the systems in place is absolutely crucial to scaling your business.

It takes away all of the floundering that happens when you get a new enquiry if you have a system in place.

The templates are amazing and have been really helpful. The pricing and packaging section was really exciting to learn about and suddenly it made a lot of sense how it was possible to scale my business without burning out.

This section of the course made me very aware that I was undercharging and gave me the confidence to raise my prices to $2000 per month. That was huge for me ❤️

I also really loved the guide and spreadsheet for organising my business expenses.

What is the most powerful takeaway?

Gosh this is hard to pin point. I think for me it is the process from processing a lead to going through the discovery call script and how to present the strategy because it’s very daunting to be the one leading the whole process so seeing how you do it made it seem a bit less scary and it’s not as complicated as it seems. Also the check list for the customer journey and email templates that are included in this section are great double checking you have everything!

Do you have anything else to add for anyone else who might be looking to do the course?

To be honest I just love that you have kept it so affordable and you are genuinely interested and checked in with me to make sure everything was making sense multiple times. It’s nice to know I have that extra support! 

If you're looking for Social Media Management training or courses, get in touch or check our Socials Boss. 

Bronte Cresswell xx