student feature Oct 08, 2024


Felli | Socials Boss Student 

Felli started Socials Boss to define her processes, systems and back-end to better work with her clients and grow her business. 

I sat down with Felli to better understand her experience in Socials Boss.



How long have you been doing social media / in the industry? 
2 years. I started as a copywriter for a social media agency then slowly exploring more in the industry.
I ended up landing my first proper SMM client in the same year!

What did you feel like you needed in your business to grow / what did you hope to get from
Socials Boss?
I always struggled with what to say if clients said this or that. I also had an onboarding process but it was very messy.  My clients ended up partnering long term so i never really reviewed / refined the process, so i needed a guidance on it and what should I sell to increase my packages

When you first got into the course, what did you like the most about the course?
Even the intro commitment "promise" very stood out. Its a small thing but it made me realise that I'm
accountable for what I do!

As you progressed, what did you find most valuable to your business?
Everything! Just the way I talk to my clients, more confident with my offers, especially when I need to take them through the next steps, and everything is already on my hand. Before Socials Boss, I was scared of showing my clients anything on my back-end system. 

What has changed in your business since? 
Mindset and backend definitely! Before Socials Boss, I felt too limited and always said yes to the client requests and ended up working more than I should have

Would you recommend socials boss to others who are in social media management? 
Absolutely! I personally like Bronte's approach to handle touch clients, also make sure we let our clients
know what to expect, being transparent etc.

Bronte Cresswell xx